केन्द्रीय पुस्तकालय, राष्ट्रीय प्रोद्योगिकी संस्थान, हमीरपुर / Central Library @ NIT, Hamirpur

Library Services @ NIT, Hamirpur

Central Library provides following services to its users:

  1. e-Library (https://nith.refread.com): NITH eLibrary is a platform for Off-Campus Access and Single Window Search of all e-Resources subscribed by NIT Hamirpur as well as Literature, expert talks, and much more. The Mobile App of this platform may be searched using the Terms "NITH eLibrary RefRead". For more details Click Here.

  2. Book Circulation Service using RFID: Central Library provides Books Circulation Service using RFID to its registered users i.e. users can issue/return books by their own and mutiple books can be issued and returned at a time, thus saving the time of the user. For more details Click Here.

  3. Off Campus access of E-Resources: Central Library in association with INFED (a service provided by INFLIBNET) initiated the Off Campus Access to e-Resources subscribed by NIT Hamirpur. For more details Click Here.

  4. OPAC ( OPAC provides facility to search books, print journals and magazines subscribed by Central Library. Users can also view Overdue Books, Fine and Checkout History etc. using OPAC.

  5. Wi-Fi Service: Central Library offers free wireless access (Wi-Fi) to its registered user. The passsword of Wi-Fi service may be obtained from Library Staff .

  6. Photocopy Service: The Photocopy facility is available for all members of library on payment of Rs 1 per page. The preference is given to get photocopies from the library documents.

  7. Library @ telegram:(https://t.me/nithl) and (https://t.me/librarynith) Central Library uses Telegram App to disseminate various activities happening at Central Library. Users are requested to join both the Group and Channel of Library NITH by following the URL mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph.

  8. Library @ Facebook :(https://www.facebook.com/librarynith/) Central Library published its facebook page to disseminate various activities happening at Central Library and NIT, Hamirpur.

Central Library @ NIT, Hamirpur