Plagiarism Detection Software
- टर्नइटइन प्रयोग करने से संबंधित निर्देश / Guidelines for using Turnitin (25-07-2022)
- प्रमाण पत्रों का प्रारूप / Format of Certificates
- Google Form for registering on TURNITIN SIMILARITY (Faculty members and PhD Scholars only). Make sure to activate your account within 7 days of receiving the email from TURNITIN SIMILARITY.
Please note that :
- The URL of this New Turnitin Similarity is https://nith.turnitin.com/.
- Users have to fill the Google Form https://forms.gle/nY9rQpthZCQxRSY57 in order to obtain the link for Turnitin.
- The user (Faculty Members and PhD Scholars) who filled above Google Form will receive a link from Turnitin.
- Make sure to activate your account within 7 days of receiving the email from TURNITIN SIMILARITY.
- User’s NITH email id will act as its username for Turnitin.
- Users may set their own password.
In case of any Query or Problem feel free to contact:
Dr. Nitin Paliwal
Incharge, Central Library,
NIT, Hamirpur,
H.P. - 177005
Email: plag@nith.ac.in
Phone: 01972-254170