केन्द्रीय पुस्तकालय, राष्ट्रीय प्रोद्योगिकी संस्थान, हमीरपुर / Central Library @ NIT, Hamirpur

Institute Central Library Committee (ICLC)

The Library is advised by a Institute Central Library Committee (ICLC) for its overall growth in the best interest of the users and its smooth functioning. The current composition of the library advisory committee is as follows:

S. No. Name Role Email Contact No.
1. Prof. Ashwani Chandel
(Department of Electrical Engineering)
Chairperson ashchandelin@nith.ac.in +91 1972 254534
2. Dr. Amit Kaul
(Department of Electrical Engineering)
Member amitkaul@nith.ac.in +91 1972 254544
3. Dr. Pardeep Singh
(Department of Computer Science and Engineering)
Member pardeep@nith.ac.in +91 1972 254436
4. Dr. Nitin Paliwal
(Central Library)
Member library@nith.ac.in +91 1972 254170
5. Mr. Nishant Soni
Student Member 22mme001@nith.ac.in
6. Ms. Yogita Jain
Student Member 22mcy018@nith.ac.in
7. Mr. Chinmay Taral
Student Member 21bar033@nith.ac.in
8. Ms. Vanshika Sood
Student Member 20bcs042@nith.ac.in
Central Library @ NIT, Hamirpur