Library Download
- Books Recommendation Form (Book Recommendation Form.doc).
- Books Requisition Form (brf.pdf) to be print on both side of the page and filled manually.
- Journals/Periodicals Requisition Form (prf.doc)
- Enrolment Form for Library Card
- Faculty/Staff (On Contract) (contract_icard.pdf)
- Faculty/Staff (Regular/Permanent) (regular_icard.pdf)
- JRF/SRF (jrf_icard.pdf)
- Student (student_icard.pdf)
- Reading Room Service for Spouse/Childrens of NIT, Staff (reading_staff.pdf)
- Form for Loss of Identity Card (icard_lost.pdf)
- Form for Loss of Library Book (book_lost.pdf)
- Library Clearance Certificate (for No Dues) (clearence_certificate.pdf)
- Off campus Access of e-Resources (Faculty members, PG and PhD students only)
- Turnitin Similarity (Faculty members and PhD Scholars only)
- CD format for PhD/PG Thesis/Dissertation
- PhD CD Format (PhDcdFormat.pdf)
- PG CD Format (PGcdFormat.pdf)