Off campus Access of e-Resources @ NIT, Hamirpur
Central Library in association with INFED (a service provided by INFLIBNET) initiated the Off Campus Access using Shibboleth Open Source system to the e-Resources subscribed by NIT Hamirpur for the faculty/staff members and PG/PhD students of NIT Hamirpur.
List of e-resources already available under this service are as listed below
- ASCE Journals
- ASME Journals
- e-Books
- Emerald e-Journals
- IEEE Digital Library
- Oxford University Press e-Journals
- Sage - Urban Studies & Planning Collection
- Science Direct(Elsevier) e-Journals
- Springer e-Journals
- Taylor and Frances e-Journals
- Web of Science
List of e-resources which are not available under this service :
- Consortium for educational Communication (
- ISID (Institute for Studies in Industrial Development) (
- Pearson (69 e-Books)
- S Chand (18 e-Books)
Authentication for the Off campus Access of e-Resources (Only for PG and PhD students)
- Fill online form as well by clicking the following link : Online form to be filled by applicant. Please make sure that you have to mention your email ID in the email field before submitting the request form. In order to obtain the NITH email ID, one may send his request to Faculty Incharge (Computer Center) at along with the photo of his ID Card.
- Download the form for the Off Campus Access of e-Resources by clicking the following link : Offline form to be signed by HoD.
- Submit the same to the Library (Mr. Suresh) after getting signed by Head of the Concerned Department.
- You will receive an email containing your user id and password for accessing the e-resources which may be change on clicking the following url: Change your Password
- For any help or query fell free to contact Mr. Nitin Paliwal at